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HUNT performed preliminary and final design along with construction inspection for this roadway improvement project on a 2600 foot stretch of North Winton Road in the City of Rochester. This two-lane Urban Arterial accommodates nearly 15,000 vehicles a day in this busy business location. The corridor has several historic structures and is part of the National Register Listed Browncroft Historic District.

The project consisted of the construction of a new roadbed structure, replacement of the existing watermain with a new watermain with cathodic corrosion protection, construction of an improved drainage collection system, new curbs, sidewalks improvements and pedestrian amenities along with design and construction of a new traffic signal, improved street lighting, and signage and pavement markings.  

The project also included realignment of the intersection with Humboldt and Juniper Streets to provide safety improvements. High visibility cross-walks were installed to provide a safer crossing to school children walking to a nearby school.

Disturbance on this project was greater than one (1) acre therefore a stormwater permit with post construction water quality practices was required from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.  In order to meet these requirements, HUNT designed two bioretention areas to filter stormwater runoff.  These bioretention areas also served to bring the community into the project by allowing involved citizens the opportunity to be involved with planting and care of these facilities.

Construction inspection required significant coordination with underground utility owners for relocations and upgrades identified during design. This required bi-weekly meetings to coordinate conflicts and communicate construction schedules between the contractor for the project and the various utility companies. 


City of Rochester


Rochester, New York


Transportation Engineering

Site/Civil Engineering

Landscape Architecture

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