Honeoye Falls Dam Investigation
The Honeoye Falls Dam project was a water-infiltration investigation, initiated by the owner of the Red Barn bed & breakfast (formerly a mill), who had discovered water in the basement of her newly purchased structure located beside Honeoye Falls and Creek.
The falls, which is considered a dam by the NYSDEC, was initially created to force water to the banks to generate more power to the mills and in recent years has experienced structural-concrete issues.
HUNT’s team of engineers made an initial site evaluation of the existing conditions located by the Red Barn. Issues with the dam needed to be addressed to avoid potential problems not only with the Village, but downstream as well.
The evaluation revealed the area was cobbled together with several concrete pours. At a subsequent visit, HUNT’s team completed another walk through the Falls and “sounded” the concrete across the length of the falls and dam.
Although the study found that two areas of concrete had previously crumbled away from the dam (likely during Hurricane Agnes in 1972,) the remaining concrete was determined to be in adequate condition. HUNT’s structural engineering team further determined there was no danger of a dam collapse and modifying the dam might in fact worsen the Red Barn’s condition.
The project was successfully completed in the summer of 2023. This project was another 50th Anniversary project highlight for HUNT, which also highlighted the continuingly fruitful partnership with the Village of Honeoye Falls.
Village of Honeoye Falls
Honeoye Falls, New York
Structural Engineering